Making Recycling
Easier for Manitobans

See Your Impact

Manitoba residential recycling programs recovered nearly 75 million kg of packaging and printed paper in 2023. That’s because you chose the blue bin. You’re just one person, but every bottle, box, and tub you recycle adds up. You’re doing more than you know.

More Ways to Reduce Waste

plastic bags drop-off

Drop-off Plastic Bags

Find plastic bag recycling locations and learn why they can’t go in your blue bin.

Recycling guides

Recycling Guides

Your shopping (and packaging) changes with the seasons. Check out our standard and seasonal recycling guides.

blue bin - curbside

Recycling FAQs

Explore helpful tips and tricks to simplify recycling at home and reduce contamination.

Helping Manitobans Recycle Better at Home

Your blue bin at home is key to reducing waste in our province. We’re here to help you use it to its full potential. We make it simple for residents to learn what can and can’t go in their blue bin, and we work with communities to offer effective and convenient residential recycling programs to Manitobans. Learn more about our role in Manitoba’s residential recycling.

Blue bins on a street in Winnipeg
Recycling-Contaminants - styrofoam, plastic bags, black plastic, plant pots

Recycling Contamination

Many people have heard recycling contamination is a problem, but the reasons are misunderstood. Learn the real problems with contamination in the blue box and how you can avoid it.

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