About Us

Who We Are

We’re Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM), a not-for-profit, industry-funded organization founded in 2010 to support Manitoba’s residential recycling programs and shift the costs away from Manitoba residents and onto the producers of packaging and printed paper. Our goals are to promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling of the materials managed in our program and sustainably increase recovery and recycling rates.

What We Do 

We fund Manitoba communities up to 80% of the net costs of their residential recycling programs. This includes curbside collection and processing. As of 2023, we fund 148 communities including municipalities, First Nations, and northern communities.

In addition to funding, we help communities develop and enhance their programs. We work together to find effective solutions for collection and processing that meet residents’ needs. Through our Simply Recycle platform, we promote recycling and offer educational resources to make it easier for residents to recycle properly.

How We Do It 

We’re funded by the manufacturers, retailers, and organizations that supply packaging and printed paper to Manitobans. These businesses are obligated by provincial recycling regulations to help fund, improve, and promote residential recycling in Manitoba. Learn more about our program at stewardshipmanitoba.org.

Bales of PET #1 Plastics, aluminium cans, and cartons stacked in large rows at a Material Recovery Facility in Manitoba

Our Impact

Manitoba residential recycling programs have come a long way.
1.1 billion kilograms of packaging and paper collected since 2010.
Eligible packaging and paper recovered. 2022: 71.8% and 2010: 52%
95% of Manitobans have access to residential recycling

Get More Out of Your Blue Bin

Manitobans want to minimize packaging and paper waste—that’s why 93% of residents recycle at home. But knowing what to recycle is essential.

Through our Recyclepedia search tool and recycling guides, residents can learn what goes in their blue bin and other options to reduce waste.  


MMSM in the community

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