
We’re all in this together

We’ve partnered with several organizations that support the recycling of packaging and printed paper in Manitoba.
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Other Manitoba Recycling Programs 

Manitoba has recycling and safe disposal programs for numerous products and materials that can’t go in your blue bin or garbage. Check out these other programs to learn more ways to reduce waste. 

Automotive Lead-Acid Batteries 

The Canadian Battery Association (CBA) runs a take-back recycling program for lead-acid batteries.  

Beverage Containers* 

Recycle Everywhere runs a public-space recycling program for beverage containers such as plastic and glass bottles, cartons, and aluminum cans.  

*Note: Unlike other items in this list, you can recycle beverage containers in your blue bin at home.


Recycle My Electronics is a take-back recycling program for a variety of electronic devices and equipment, such as computers, phones, speakers, and more.   

Medications and Medical Sharps 

Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) runs take-back programs for medical sharps, prescription medications, over-the-counter (non-prescription) medications, and natural health products.  

Oil, Antifreeze, and other Automotive Fluids 

Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corp. runs a take-back recycling program for used oil, oil filters, antifreeze, and other automotive fluids and containers.  

Paint, Light Bulbs, and Hazardous Products 

Product Care Recycling runs a take-back recycling and safe disposal program for paint, fluorescent light bulbs, and hazardous products and containers.  

Single-use and Rechargeable Batteries

Recycle Your Batteries, Canada! is a take-back recycling program for single-use and rechargeable household batteries (weighing up to 5 kg each). 


Tire Stewardship Manitoba runs a take-back recycling program for used tires. 


The Thermostat Recovery Program is a take-back recycling and safe disposal program for mercury-containing and electronic thermostats.  

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