Finding Our New Normal

Apr 3, 2020

April 2020

As the COVID-19 situation progresses, all of our staff have transitioned to working from home and are finding their new ‘normal’ during these uncertain times. Here’s a glimpse of what our staff have been doing to keep themselves busy.


Karen – Executive Director

“I’m alternating between taking walks, riding my exercise bike and cooking. I’m also spending my spare time on video calls with family members.”


Sarah – Director, Marketing and Communications

“I’ve been doing lots of cleaning around my house, getting to every room, drawer, closet and pantry in my house. (I feel like a cleaning machine!) I’ve also been scheduling daily exercise before or after work to get moving and taking mid-day breaks to take my ‘coworker’ Juno out for fresh air.”

Sarah with her ‘coworker’ Juno.


Martin – Director, Field Services

“In between working on Cost Monitoring Surveys, I’m painting some rooms inside my house.”


Kristin – Field Services Specialist

“Along with my husband, we’re both adjusting to working from home while entertaining our two young children. Our family have been spending a lot of time outside and love going on our daily walks at lunch. My new co-workers are much louder than my previous ones, but overall it’s been enjoyable.”

Kristin and her family exploring the outdoors.

Noelle – Communications Coordinator  

“At the end of my workday, I usually go for a walk to get some fresh air. I also try to get in a workout in the late afternoon, whether it’s yoga or something with weights. I’m doing some spring cleaning around my house, sorting through all of the things I’ve accumulated over the years. Finally, I’ve also started to practice piano again. I’m currently learning Avril 14th by Aphex Twin.”

Noelle at home with her piano.

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