• Word Search

    Word Search

    This activity is a fun way to get students thinking about recycling and the environment! Students will practice their attention to detail to look for letters and patterns and will familiarize themselves with different words and phrases commonly used when talking about recycling and the environment.

  • Waste Audit

    Waste Audit

    This activity is educational and eye-opening for everyone! A school waste audit measures how much waste is being generated in a school. Students will learn how much of their waste can be placed in other bins for further use like recycling, reuse, and compost and learn the importance of disposing waste correctly, and how it can make a difference.

  • GHG Emissions

    GHG Emissions Lesson Plan

    This lesson plan teaches students about greenhouses gasses that are emitted from landfills, how these emissions are harmful to the environment, and about green waste and why it’s important to reduce food waste. The activities will allow your students to learn the importance of composting, and how they can make a difference by reducing food waste sent to landfills.

  • Carton Recycling

    Did you know that the average primary school in Manitoba uses 39,000 milk and juice cartons every year? These lesson plans teach students the importance of carton recycling using standard-based math, science, and language arts worksheets developed by Carton Council Canada and Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba. The activities will allow your students to learn how they can have a positive impact on the environment.

    Carton recycling, like recycling of all packaging and printed paper, is well established across Manitoba homes and schools. We encourage you to share this resource with other teachers at your school.

  • Your Recycling Journal

    The Recycling Journal gets the students active and involved in recycling both at home and at school. Use the Recycling Journal as its own lesson or partner the journal with other recycling lesson plans as a way to document questions, learnings, recycling records, etc.

  • Colour me Blue

    This is an easy and educational exercise that is loads of fun! Have students cut and colour their blue bin, filling it with recyclables such as newspaper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum and steel. Bring recyclables from home or cut and colour provided cutouts. Have students write a paragraph on what they’ve learned and how they will recycle more.

  • Don’t be a Litterbug

    This lesson gives students the chance to get creative with recycled goods. Emphasizing the “re-use” component of recycling, students will combine recyclables such as newspaper, plastic water bottles and other recyclable materials to make “bugs.”

  • The Good ‘Sort’ of Recycling

    This activity gives students the basic understanding of recycling using items brought from home, or collected from a recycling clean-up of the schoolyard. After introducing the concept of recycling to students, schedule a schoolyard/neighborhood clean-up, or have students bring in items from home. Create two separate areas for both garbage (garbage bag) and recyclables (blue bin) in the classroom and have each child place their item in the pile they think it belongs to. Use this activity to explain why each item is or is not recyclable. Have students demonstrate their learnings on the downloadable sorting worksheet.



Learn what can be recycled in your community.

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How can I recycle more effectively?

Discover some helpful tips to improve recycling in your household.

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How can I reduce plastic bag use?

See how you can help Manitoba reduce single-use plastic bag use by 50%

Learn more