Carton Recycling
Grades 1-3 and 5-6
Did you know that the average primary school in Manitoba uses 39,000 milk and juice cartons every year? These lesson plans teach students the importance of carton recycling using standard-based math, science, and language arts worksheets developed by Carton Council Canada and Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba. The activities will allow your students to learn how they can have a positive impact on the environment.
Carton recycling, like recycling of all packaging and printed paper, is well established across Manitoba homes and schools. We encourage you to share this resource with other teachers at your school.
Lesson Plan Grades 1-3 Worksheet Grades 5-6 Worksheet
Plan de leçon Activité 1 – 1re à 3e année Activité 2 – 5e et 6e année