The Good ‘Sort’ of Recycling

Grades 2-4

This activity gives students the basic understanding of recycling using items brought from home, or collected from a recycling clean-up of the schoolyard. After introducing the concept of recycling to students, schedule a schoolyard/neighborhood clean-up, or have students bring in items from home. Create two separate areas for both garbage (garbage bag) and recyclables (blue bin) in the classroom and have each child place their item in the pile they think it belongs to. Use this activity to explain why each item is or is not recyclable. Have students demonstrate their learnings on the downloadable sorting worksheet.

Lesson Plan Worksheet
Plan de leçon Activité


Learn what can be recycled in your community.

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How can I recycle more effectively?

Discover some helpful tips to improve recycling in your household.

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How can I reduce plastic bag use?

See how you can help Manitoba reduce single-use plastic bag use by 50%

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