Made for Manitoba Holiday Recycling Guide

Dec 17, 2020

December 2020

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM) has developed a holiday recycling guide Manitobans can follow so they know what they can and can’t recycle this holiday season. The guide was developed as an easy to understand graphic with examples of common items that can be recycled, reused, donated, taken to a depot or other drop-off location.

It’s important that residents follow recycling guidelines from their municipality to prevent unwanted contamination in the recycling stream. High levels of contamination can increase municipal recycling costs, devalue recyclables, damage equipment in the sorting facility, and create unsafe work environments for employees. Although contamination is an issue at all times of the year, it’s even more so around the holiday season, which brings additional packaging and printed paper into our homes.

“Municipalities are leaders in recycling and waste management practices. We encourage local governments and their residents to follow this guide to divert unnecessary waste in our landfills this holiday season,” stated Association of Manitoba Municipalities President Kam Blight.

Residents should also be reminded that any extra accepted packaging that won’t fit inside their recycling bin or cart can be dropped off at their local municipal recycling depot or transfer stations for free.

Mark Kinsley, Supervisor of Waste Diversion for the City of Winnipeg added, “We hope everybody can enjoy the holiday season while supporting our environment and practicing the 4R’s; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repeat!”

For more detailed information on specific materials, visit the Recyclepedia at It’s available in 13 different languages and also as a mobile app. Keep recycling simple this holiday season!

Click here to view the Recyclepedia online.

Download the Manitoba Recyclepedia mobile app, for Apple or Android smartphones.

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