Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba Unveils New Mural in Winnipeg’s North End

Dec 6, 2012

December 2012

For Immediate Release

December 6, 2012

Winnipeg, Manitoba – A mural certain to become a Winnipeg landmark will be unveiled on Thursday, December 6, 2012. Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba and Take Pride Winnipeg! Inc. invite you to the unveiling of the “Simply Recycle” mural, celebrating recycling in our community.

Executive Director, Karen Melnychuk (MMSM) will join artist Charlie Johnston (C5 Artworks) and Tom Ethans (Take Pride Winnipeg! Inc.) to unveil Winnipeg’s newest mural. Entitled “Simply Recycle” the mural beautifies Winnipeg’s North End and illustrates Manitobans’ commitment to environmental protection as demonstrated in their daily efforts to recycle.

The innovative mural is 14 feet by 100 feet and located on the north east corner of Selkirk and McGregor, a commonly targeted area for vandalism and graffiti. MMSM hopes the mural will deter graffiti and tagging while encouraging the positive message of recycling.

December 6, 2012 at 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: 595 Selkirk Avenue, Avenue Meat Market, Corner of Selkirk Avenue and
McGregor Avenue

“This artwork demonstrates our collective commitment to recycling as a means of protecting natural resources, providing new materials for Canadian businesses and managing the environment for future generations,” says Karen Melnychuk, Executive Director , MMSM. “It is our vision of a “green” Winnipeg. We hope the “Simply Recycle” mural will encourage Winnipeggers and tourists alike to actively participate in their community recycling programs.”

Funding for this mural was provided by Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba with additional support by Take Pride Winnipeg! Inc.

“Everything we can do to help promote recycling in Winnipeg and Manitoba is positive. This mural is a fantastic image that will show residents the importance of recycling,” says Tom Ethans, Executive Director, Take Pride Winnipeg!. “Charlie Johnston, the artist, did a terrific job in capturing a Winnipeg neighbourhood. Congratulations to Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba for their efforts with this beautiful mural.”


About MMSM

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM) is an industry-funded, non-profit organization that operates province-wide residential recycling programs for packaging and printed paper, in accordance with the Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Regulation.
To help fund the program, industry stewards pay levies on a broad range of packaging materials and printed paper, including newspapers and magazines, coffee cups and aluminum cans. The
levies cover up to 80 percent of the cost of residential recycling programs in our province; municipalities pay the remaining 20 percent. For more information, go to


About Take Pride Winnipeg! Inc.

Take Pride Winnipeg! is a private, non-profit registered charity, dedicated to inspiring community pride, raising public awareness and promoting citizen responsibility in keeping the city of Winnipeg clean and beautiful.  For more information, go to


For more information, please contact:

Sarah Wallace

Communications, Promotions and Education Coordinator

Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba

Phone: 204.953.2012

Mobile: 204.797.8365




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