Recycle Now 2012 Contest Winners Announced

May 2, 2012

May 2012

MMSM and Green Action Centre offered the second annual “Recycle Now” challenge for Manitoba schools in the spring of 2012.

The challenge for this year was to design a button, bookmark, or refrigerator magnet to help people remember to simply recycle – everywhere!

The idea is to engage young people in creating new ways to help make Manitoba a better place by practicing the 4 Rs – Rethink, Reduce, Recycle, Re-use.

“Last year’s contest focused on writing.  This year, we wanted to offer a chance for young Manitobans to create a visual reminder of the importance of taking care of our environment through recycling and the other “Rs”, said MMSM’s Melnychuk.

Students in elementary and high schools were invited to participate.  We received over 250 entries from 28 schools across the province, with prizes awarded according to grade levels.  In addition to individual responses from students, we were delighted to receive another 16 community entries.

“The entries were astounding and really conveyed how much kids understand why we need to recycle,” said Mary.  “With their creativity and thoughtfulness, our many contestants reminded us that they are fully engaged in this issue, and will continue to support Manitoba’s efforts to promote environmental sustainability through the 4Rs.”

A big thank you to all who participated!

Contest Winners

Click on any image below to see the full-picture…

Winner for grades K-2 Winner for grades 3-4

Kinsey Shepherd
Crestview School
Grade 2

Martha Krawczuk
R.F. Morrison School
Grade 4
Winner for grades 5-6 Winner for grades 7-9
Rachel Haner
Oakbank Elementary
Grade 5
Mackenzie Anderson-Sasnella
George Waters School
Grade 8

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Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for waste reduction tips and to learn about Manitoba’s residential recycling program.

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