Happy New Year! Most people associate the New Year with a new, fresh start. Netflix launched “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on January 1st and since then, the tidying craze has begun. Many of us have started to use the KonMari method as a way to clean up our home. Here are some tips on how to dispose of the items that no longer spark joy within you.
As Marie Kondo suggests, you should keep less than 30 books in your personal collection. While this number is different for everyone, remember that books are not accepted in your blue bin for recycling. If they are in good condition, you can donate them to used bookstores, libraries and second-hand stores.
One of the most time-consuming categories to sort through is your clothes. You might be surprised to find stuff you haven’t worn in years! Clothing isn’t recyclable in your blue bin, but can be donated in other places. Gently-used clothing can be donated to second-hand stores, or repurposed as old rags. You can also drop off your textiles for recycling in a Diabetes Canada drop-off bin or at the Salvation Army in Winnipeg.
You’re going through your kitchen cabinets and you realize you have too many dishes for one person. Dishes and ceramics aren’t accepted in your blue bin. Donate them to a second-hand store or a charitable organization.
You’re halfway through cleaning and decide you no longer need your extra microwaves and printers. Electronics are recyclable, just not in your blue bin. You can find a list of drop off locations at recyclemanitoba.ca.
Paper is accepted in your blue bin. One exception to this is shredded paper, as it must be placed in a clear, 77 litre plastic bag before going in the blue bin. To reduce your paper usage in the future, switch your bills over to paperless and receive them electronically.
We hang onto photos for sentimental reasons, but what if the photos no longer ‘spark joy’ for us? Photos and negatives are not accepted in the blue bin. Put them in an album or scrapbook as a way to repurpose them.
The KonMari method suggests clearing your house of branded products as they create “noise” and decanting your products into containers that are clear and simple. In Manitoba, most #1-5 and #7 plastics are accepted in the blue bin.
As a rule of thumb , only packaging is accepted in your blue bin for recycling, not products. If you are still unsure, check out our ‘What Can I Recycle’ page and ‘What Not To Recycle’ page. what When tidying your home, remember that many of your items can be repurposed into something new, or given to someone in need. Happy tidying!