Washroom Watchlist

Apr 26, 2017

April 2017

Test your recycling IQ with the Washroom WatchList. QX 104 and 94.3 The Drive are helping us teach you about recycling in other areas of the home, including the sometimes forgotten washroom.

To get Manitobans thinking about washroom recycling, we’ve rounded up a collection of actual items found in announcer’s bathrooms. All you have to do is identify which items are recyclable in a short quiz. Everyone who completes the quiz will be entered to win a Recycling Prize Package, including a $200 Mastercard gift card.

This is the final week to enter! Follow the links below to complete the quiz.

QX 104 FM

94.3 The Drive

Let us know any questions or topics you want us to post about.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for waste reduction tips and to learn about Manitoba’s residential recycling program.

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